Shortcut Modification for Amethyst

Today I installed a window layout manager on MacOS -- Amethyst. It allows to use shortcuts to swich windows into different layouts. Because I am using 2 monitors, and always work with lots of windows together, I really need one to smoothly set up the layouts.

In fact, I wanted an app to help me remember the layouts and automatically recover it at the beginning. And I've downloaded the Layouts. But I don't wanna learn to use 2 apps together. I hope I'll make use both of them one day.

Shortcuts for me

Here I comment on the default shortcuts. I myself has only 2 monitors, so I don't need some of the functions.

Amethyst uses two modifier combinations.

Default Shortcut Description
mod1 option + shift
mod2 ctrl + option + shift
Default Shortcut Description
mod1 + space Cycle layout forward
mod2 + space Cycle layout backwards
mod1 + h main pane缩小。Shrink the main pane
mod1 + l main pane扩大。Expand the main pane
mod1 + , main pane 增加数量 Increase main pane count
mod1 + . main pane减少数量 Decrease main pane count
mod1 + j 逆时针移动焦点。Move focus counter clockwise
mod1 + k 顺时针移动焦点。Move focus clockwise
mod1 + p Move focus to counter clockwise screen
mod1 + n Move focus to clockwise screen no need coz I've only 2 screens
mod2 + h Swap focused window to counter clockwise screen
mod2 + l Swap focused window to clockwise screen
mod2 + j 逆时针移动当前pane Swap focused window counter clockwise
mod2 + k 顺时针移动当前pane Swap focused window clockwise
mod1 + enter 把当前pane作为main pane Swap focused window with main window
mod1 + z ?Force windows to be reevalulated
mod2 + z Relaunch Amethyst
mod2 + left 把当前pane移到左边的桌面 Throw focused window to space left
mod2 + right 把当前pane移到右边的桌面 Throw focused window to space right
mod2 + 1 把当前pane移到桌面1 Throw focused window to space 1
mod2 + 2 移到桌面2 Throw focused window to space 2
mod2 + 9 移到桌面9 Throw focused window to space 9
mod2 + 0 移到桌面10 Throw focused window to space 10
mod1 + w 聚焦显示屏1 Focus Screen 1
mod2 + w 移动pane到显示屏1 Throw focused window to screen 1
mod1 + e 聚焦显示屏2 Focus Screen 2
mod2 + e 移动pane到显示屏2 Throw focused window to screen 2
mod1 + r Focus Screen 3
mod2 + r Throw focused window to screen 3
mod1 + q Focus Screen 4
mod2 + q Throw focused window to screen 4
mod1 + t q float,暂时不要amethyst Toggle float for focused window
mod1 + i 显示当前布局 Display current layout
mod2 + t ?Toggle global tiling
mod1 + a t tall layout Select tall layout
none Select tall-right layout
mod1 + s Select wide layout I don't need wide layout, ugly
none Select middle-wide layout
mod1 + d f full screen Select fullscreen layout (rotate between each of the windows)
mod1 + f Select column layout
none Select row layout
none Select floating layout
none Select widescreen-tall layout
none Select bsp layout
Add: mod1 + c 3Column Right

A more readable version of My Shortcuts

Modifier Combinations Description
mod1 option + shift
mod2 ctrl + option + shift
Move Focus Description
mod1 + j 逆时针 Move focus counter clockwise
mod1 + k 顺时针 Move focus clockwise
mod1 + w 到显示屏1 Focus Screen 1
mod1 + e 到显示屏2 Focus Screen 2
Main Pane Description
mod1 + h main pane缩小。Shrink the main pane
mod1 + l main pane扩大。Expand the main pane
mod1 + , main pane 增加数量 Increase main pane count
mod1 + . main pane减少数量 Decrease main pane count
移动pane Move Focused Pane Description
mod2 + j 逆时针 Swap focused window counter clockwise
mod2 + k 顺时针 Swap focused window clockwise
mod1 + enter 作为main pane Swap focused window with main window
mod2 + left 到左边的桌面 Throw focused window to space left
mod2 + right 到右边的桌面 Throw focused window to space right
mod2 + 1~0 到桌面1~10 Throw focused window to space 1-10
mod2 + w 到显示屏1 Throw focused window to screen 1
mod2 + e 到显示屏2 Throw focused window to screen 2
Layout Description
mod1 + i 显示当前布局 Display current layout
mod1 + q float,暂时不要amethyst Toggle float for focused window
mod1 + f full screen Select fullscreen layout (rotate between each of the windows)
mod1 + t tall layout Select tall layout
mod1 + c 3Column Right
Other Description
mod2 + z Relaunch Amethyst