Tianke Youke

A sanctuary for secreting and rushing at night.


要出发去新加坡了。临行前啥也没收拾,就把一柜子书码整齐了…从来没抗拒过电子书,但很多书还是习惯读纸质的,莫名其妙买了一柜子书📖📖📖📖📖 达成自定义成就:「小有藏书」👏



Yi Sun, Xingzhi Wang, Jiayin Zhu, Liangjian Chen, Yuhang Jia, Jean M. Lawrence, Luo-hua Jiang, Xiaohui Xie, Jun Wu, Using machine learning to examine street green space types at a high spatial resolution: Application in Los Angeles County on socioeconomic disparities in exposure, Science of The Total Environment, Volume 787, 2021, 147653, ISSN 0048-9697, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.scitotenv.2021.147653. (https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0048969721027248)



Background Compared to commonly-used green space indicators from downward-facing satellite imagery, street view-based green space may capture different types of green space and represent how environments are perceived and experienced by people on the ground, which is important to elucidate the underlying mechanisms linking green space and health. Objectives This study aimed to evaluate machine learning models that can classify the type of vegetation (i.e., tree, low-lying vegetation, grass) from street view images; and to investigate the associations between street green space and socioeconomic (SES) factors, in Los Angeles County, California. Methods SES variables were obtained from the CalEnviroScreen3.0 dataset. Microsoft Bing Maps images in conjunction with deep learning were used to measure total and types of street view green space, which were compared to normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI) as commonly-used satellite-based green space measure. Generalized linear mixed model was used to examine associations between green space and census tract SES, adjusting for population density and rural/urban status. Results The accuracy of the deep learning model was high with 92.5% mean intersection over union. NDVI were moderately correlated with total street view-based green space and tree, and weakly correlated with low-lying vegetation and grass. Total and three types of green space showed significant negative associations with neighborhood SES. The percentage of total green space decreased by 2.62 [95% confidence interval (CI): −3.02, −2.21, p < 0.001] with each interquartile range increase in CalEnviroScreen3.0 score. Disadvantaged communities contained approximately 5% less average street green space than other communities. Conclusion Street view imagery coupled with deep learning approach can accurately and efficiently measure eye-level street green space and distinguish vegetation types. In Los Angeles County, disadvantaged communities had substantively less street green space. Governments and urban planners need to consider the type and visibility of street green space from pedestrian's perspective.

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tmd,用惯了r,开始用Python pandas,每一步我都知道要干啥,就是不知道要怎么做,太烦了!!我来把最基础的操作系统学习一下,记在这里备忘:

-1. 索引行列


  1. 用行名、列名索引,就用loc;用行号、列号索引,就用iloc
  2. 注意这个不是函数,是用df.loc[],后面接方括号用的
  3. 方括号里面的东西就好说了
    1. 用逗号,分隔不同的维度,比如2维表格就是[行, 列]
    2. 用字符串表示行名列名,或者数字表示行号列号
    3. 用冒号:表示连续区间,比如2:5就是区间2、3、4;还可以单用冒号表示一整个维度全选
    4. 举例子,第二行第三列:df.iloc[1, 2],第四列:df.iloc[:, 3],行名为name的那一行:df.loc['name', :]
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Well!!!! I had thought my website was closed down and had no energy to recover it. But now I find it still accessible from a network outside CN. It's banned just because... I hadn't set up the website Bei'an asked by CN gov on time. I'm just lazy and busy.

So, now, I can still post something.


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