Tianke Youke

A sanctuary for secreting and rushing at night.



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In IT5003, I am studying data structures and algorithms. The language we learn with is Python. So I take notes about what I learned, and how to use them in Python. I struct my notes based on data structures, and all the ADTs that are implemented by the data structures are discussed within. I focus on their usage, key design, and sometimes problems. In the future maybe I will append all the implementation codes.

  • ADT: Abstract data type, from the point of view of a user, defined by its behavior.
  • Data Structure: from the point of view of an implementer, concrete representations of data.

Linear Data Structures

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Strings, ranges, lists and tuples.

“An iterable which supports efficient element access using integer indices via the __getitem__ special method and defines a __len__ method that returns the length of the sequence.”

  • use one index to fetch item in a list, the index can't out of the range; but if use slice method, then you can do it out of the range, because the slice will autolly find the greediest indexs.

  • assigning a list to another list, like a = b, makes a and b refers to the same list. And a list is mutable. So if we change a, then b will also be affected. It's called alias. Do avoid this.

  • Tuple also has order. Just it's immutable.

  • Fxxxk, Tuple and Set are different things! A set is like {1, 2, 3}, that is what I thought as not ordered and not duplicated. And a set has intersection() union() difference() symmetric_difference().

    To delete items in a set:

    set1.discard(6) # If the item doesn't exist, no exception
    set1.remove(6) # Raise an exception if doesn't exist
    set1.pop() # randomly delete one item.
  • you can insert an interable in a list's slice, though they have different length!

    >>> a = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
    >>> a[3:3] = [6, 7]
    >>> a
    [1, 2, 3, 6, 7, 4, 5]
  • list() takes an iterable, and makes it a list;

    str() shows you the whole object's look.

  • range() is also an iterable. It can be slicing, and len()

  • a, b = b, a: the b, a on the right firstly is packed into tuple: (b, a), then it is unpacked and individually assigned to each var on the left

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Short Circuit

  • a and b evaluates to a if a is falsey, otherwise it evaluates to b
  • a or b evaluates to a if a is truthy, otherwise it evaluates to b
  • not a evaluates to True if a is falsey, otherwise it evaluates to False
>>> 0 and 'Hello' 0
>>> 'x' and 'y' 'y'
>>> '' or 0
>>> -23 or False -23
  • True is represented as 1, and False is represented as 0.
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