Tianke Youke

A sanctuary for secreting and rushing at night.


A camera is a mapping between the 3D world (object space) and a 2D image.

In general, the camera projection matrix P has 11 degrees of freedom: \[ P=K[R\ \ \ t] \]

Component # DOF Elements Known As
K 5 \(f_x, f_y, s,p_x, p_y\) Intrinsic Parameters; camera calibration matrix
R 3 \(\alpha,\beta,\gamma\) Extrinsic Parameters
t (or \(\tilde{C}\)) 3 \((t_x,t_y,t_z)\) Extrinsic Parameters

3D world frame ----- R, t ----> 3D camera frame ------ K -----> 2D image

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Difficult situations:

  1. The Academic page is powered by Jekyll, while the blog website is powered by Hexo.
  2. And they are maintained in two separated repositories on Github.
  3. Besides [username].github.io, I have a domain jyzhu.top, and want to use my custom domain.
  4. All in all, I hope to visit the academic page is at jyzhu.top, while visit the blog is at jyzhu.top/blog.

Now let's configure.

  1. Rename the blog repo as blog; rename the academic page repo as [username].github.io.

  2. Edit the blog's Hexo config file:

    url: https://jyzhu.top/blog
    root: /blog/

    While no need to move all the files into a subfolder blog of your repo.

    The Jekyll config is simple. Nothing needs to specify.

  3. Edit the Github repo settings. Set the academic repo's custom domain as jyzhu.top. A CNAME file will be automatically added in the root. Now obviously, the jyzhu.top successfully refers to the academic page.

    Then you know what, everything is done! Because all other repos with github page turns on, are automatically mapped to subpaths of [username].github.io by Github. Then coz [username].github.io is mapped to [url], everything will be there, including [url]/blog for the blog repo.

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I am currently burying myself into the sea of NeRF. I plan to archive my learning notes here. I am still a beginner, so the notes absolutely contain errors, and are not finished yet.


Learning NeRF: Reading list, learning references, and plans

Notes of CVPR22' Tutorial:

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